



眩暈 ; 基底型偏頭痛 ; 鼻及鼻竇炎


Basilar-type migraine (BTM) is frequently associated with relapses of vertigo, headache and gait incoordination. A forty-seven-year-old man visited our clinic complaining of morning vertigo and gait incoordination followed by ten days of daylong headaches, dizziness, and gait tilt. He was suspected of having migrainous vertigo, for which he was prescribed ergotamine and an anti-vertigo. One and a half months later, he returned to our clinic because he said there was no improvement in his condition. A physical examination showed no abnormality. A vestibular function test showed abnormality. Electrocardiogram, electroencephalogram, and blood examination were normal. Duplex ultrasonogram of neck showed that the right vertebral artery was smaller and had less blood flow than the left one. Magnetic resonance angiogram showed defect of posterior circle of Willis, vascular variants of posterior circulation, and rhinosinusitis (RS). He was prescribed anti-anxiety medication, antiplatelet, brain circulatory promoter, and corticosteroid nasal spray. Three weeks later his symptoms were resolved. In addition, a sinus X-ray showed normal. Therefore, he was diagnosed as having probable BTM. Because we did not know the patient’s past rhinological history, we could not confirm that his headache was RS-related.


vertigo ; basilar-type migraine ; rhinosinusitis


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